How To Boost Your Pinterest Marketing This 2019

Pinterest is the leading social media platform for visual content and has emerged as one of the most important social media networks for business, that’s why businesses should take advantage of Pinterest marketing too.

Almost 50% of users reported making a purchase after seeing a promoted pin and 67% say that they discovered a new brand or product from the content on Pinterest. Almost 93% of pinners say that they use Pinterest for planning a purchase.

With a user base of 250 million, Pinterest has become an essential platform for any serious marketers. They are taking advantage of this powerful marketing tool, and even those who overlooked its importance in earlier days are now paying close attention to it.

This year and the coming year to come, here’s how you can use Pinterest to boost your marketing results.

Get a business account

Most of us use Pinterest personal accounts which may be fine for personal use, but if you are a business and are using Pinterest for promoting your products, then it makes sense to get a business account. A personal account can be easily converted into a business account.

A business account has several advantages over the personal version. With a business account, you have access to Pinterest analytics. A business account also allows you to see who views your pins, your popular pins, and what your audience likes.

Customize your Profile

A boring profile without any images may get you followers on other social media networks. But on Pinterest, you must have a customized profile to have a chance. You can use keyword rich phrases without over using the keywords in your profile bio and must use eye-catching images to attract followers.

Customize your Boards

You must customize every board you have on Pinterest. Always try to use SEO-friendly board titles and use your primary keywords in the board description area. Board covers are also important because they allow your boards to stand out. Avoid using generic board covers because a unique one goes a long way in conveying your message to your target audience.

Use Buyable Pins

Buyable Pins or Shop the Look Pins allow you to sync your Pinterest account to your eCommerce store and enables customers to buy a product directly from a pin. These pins have revolutionized eCommerce because customers can now buy a product from within Pinterest.

Optimize your Images

Optimizing your images is one of the best ways to boost the visibility of your brand on Pinterest. Pinterest is an image-based platform so it’s quite natural that you must have high-quality, and well-optimized images to gain the attention of the users there.

You must follow the image guideline specified by Pinterest which mentions that the best images are 600*900 pixels because an image larger than this size would eventually cropped up in the timeline. Always try to use any 2:3 ratio as these images are best for Pinterest.