8 Small Ways To Increase Website Conversion Today

“Acquire website conversion” — that’s the main objective of the majority of business owners. Having a clear goal for your website is good and another plus if you’ve established your brand image and doing A/B Testing.

Thankfully, over years of conducted research and studies, it’s now easier to determine simple, easy-to-execute tactics that can help with your conversion goals.

Here are 10 proven, small ways to increase your website conversions today.

Make sure your website is verified accurately.

A website that has been tested and trusted can acquire as much as twice their normal conversion rate, that’s why providing third-party support links (e.g. articles, product/service testimonials, source materials) can be a great way to increase the credibility of your website.

Highlight your team’s expertise in the content and services that you offer.

Another tactic that you can use to your advantage when it comes to building trust with your consumers is to introduce your team of experts behind your company’s success. By doing so, you are able to establish the value of being trustworthy to your clients.

Make it easier for people to contact you.

Make sure that your contact information (phone number, email address, physical address) are all updated. Otherwise, that’s a missed opportunity for conversion.

Update your site’s content regularly.

But how often? As often as possible. An abandoned-looking website result in less engagement and conversion since websites that aren’t reviewed and updated regularly tends to leave off an impression among online users that your website is neglected, thus lowering your website’s credibility.

Avoid grammatical and spelling errors at all times.

Even a small misplacement of a letter in a word can decrease your site’s credibility, something that most owners are reluctant of. Good grammar and spelling can do wonders for your website, make sure that everything is 100% correct.

Do not give your users too many options.

What’s worse than letting your customers choose from so many choices that they ended up choosing nothing instead? A better way to deal with this (which actually works best for brands that offer different products) is to filter them out by category so that users won’t have to spend too much time toggling on choosing what they really need.

Use a comparison method on your landing page.

With lots of competitors diving into the market, it’s inevitable that consumers want to compare and test out different products or services in order to figure out what works best for their convenience. Why not make it easier for them by providing a comparison chart of your products versus your competitor’s.

Tip: When comparing, always make sure to highlight your best value proposition. What might set you apart from these competitors? Whether it’s your price or an added value to your offer, make sure it’s always the main feature of your brand.

Remove words that are difficult to understand.

People often have mixed feelings when they encounter words or phrases that they don’t really understand, that’s why they often shy away from these kinds of brands. Make it easy for your target market to read your website, don’t make it look too fancy or business-like. Consumers are not attracted by flower-words that mean nothing to them — they want to know more about what you can guarantee them.