Why Social Media Videos Should Have A Good Title

Aside from your video’s thumbnail, another important thing that a viewer will see online is the video’s title. Some people may find this rather common at first, but do you know that it affects your search rank? Well, that’s one reason to look out for so read more from this blog!

Yes, it’s important that videos being posted on social media must have a good title and here are the following reasons why:

One: A good title actually determines what kind of audience do you have.

It might seemingly look a little bit difficult to process who really watches your videos on social media. But when you’re just starting out making videos and you want to build a strong viewer community as soon as possible, it’s better to experiment creating video titles that are optimized for your content and for search.

Here are some quick, useful tips when experimenting with video titles:

  • Make your video discoverable by making sure that your title matches exactly with your video content. No one wants to see a compilation video of cupcakes when your video title says “how to create cupcakes with 5 ingredients or less”.
  • Give your video title an element of excitement. You can use emojis or characters that can entice your audience to find out more about your video.
  • Putting a numeric element on your video also works! Some would go for a prime number and some might go for the even, but it will take some time for you to figure out what number works for video content. So, go ahead! Experiment with compelling title ideas “10 Messy-Free Painting Hacks” or “7 Ways to Cook Leftover Ingredients” when making future videos.

Two: It informs viewers accurately on what to expect from the video.

From our tip at number 1, your video title must be exact as what you intend your viewers to know what your video is all about. If your title is misleading, it will result into receiving backlash and worse — getting dislikes for it.

Yes, it might sound a bit tempting to create mass attention using exxagerated titles but it will not generate you a steady community base who will anticipate your next videos.

And also, a video that might have an eye-catching title but lacking substance in content will get brushed off by viewers. That’s why, you always have to make sure that your video titles and your video content complements each other very well.

Three: A good video title triggers higher search engine results.

Let’s safely assume that you’re progressively getting a good amount of views and engagement for some time and you want to up your video to a massive level of discovery, then it’s time to have a strategy on how to name your video based on key search trends.

An optimized, well-thought out video title and description not only gets you up on the search engine results, but also helps establish the trust from your viewers that you deliver value by publishing videos based on credible information.