Online Marketing Agency Services

Uubex offers online marketing agency services such as social media management, PPC management and website optimization. We can build a strategy to build branding, create engagement on social media, and increase organic and paid traffic.

We have customers that spend as little as $100 dollars to companies with a huge digital marketing budget, we have saved thousands of dollars by optimizing campaigns and bringing more traffic that converts.

“Not all traffic is created equal, we will target traffic that will more likely buy your product or service. “

Logan Torres – Uubex Digital Marketing Director

For a small business or medium sized company is impossible and very rarely to have a digital marketing department, it can be very costly to hire a director, graphic designer, web developer, PPC manager. Luckily Uubex is here to help you and to make everything so simple, we will make your site rank higher on search engines, we will create engagement on specific social media channels specifically chosen based on your target audience, and we will manage and optimize your PPC campaigns.

Check out the plans we offer, many companies charge the same amount for only social media management, we’re different, we work on your organic traffic, we can make changes to pages, optimize the website for speed, do small changes needed for SEO, we’re working all the time on digital marketing on page and off page.

And that’s not all, our plans don’t require a contract. You pay month by month, what are you waiting for? Get a Uubex digital marketing plan today!

It gets even better, if you sign up today you get a FREE Custom Website if you still don’t have one. Yes a professionally optimized website, mobile friendly, fast loading, that in itself is worth trying our service.

How long does digital marketing takes to work? You will see more social media engagement in only one week. If you have a new page then It will take longer for organic traffic, existing websites will see the digital marketing effects much sooner, in average you will start seeing an increase in traffic in 8 weeks, it all depends on the condition of your current website, first we will work on optimizing your page. PPC campaigns can be up and running while we work on your organic traffic, many customers after being a year with our digital marketing plan, opt to decrease PPC spending by 50%, which is awesome. Just imagine decreasing your PPC spending by half.