Must Know Digital Marketing Terms

Here is a list of marketing terms you must know and a simple explanation of them.


CTR means Click Through Rate. It’s the percentage of times a link is clicked.


CPA means Cost Per Acquisition, it relates to PPC or paid advertising, it’s a pricing model where you are only charged when a conversion is generated.


CPC is cost per click, it relates to paid advertising and it’s how much you’re paying per each click on your ad.


CPM is Cost Per Thousand. It relates to paid advertising where you’re not paying per click but by how many thousands of impressions your ad is getting.


A conversion is a desired action on your website or ad campaign, it can be a sale, a lead, a sign up, a download, etc.


An impression is how many times your ad or page showed. You will see this term on both your ad campaigns and website traffic statistics.


A keyword is a word or phrase your audience or page visitors types on search engines.

Organic Traffic

Organic traffic is traffic you’re not paying for or FREE traffic. It’s usually generated from search engines like Google, Bing or other websites. You will also hear it now on social media.

Paid Traffic

Paid traffic is your PPC or Pay Per Click traffic and basically any traffic you pay for using add campaigns.


SEO is Search Engine Optimization. It’s optimizing your webpage so that it’s likable by search engines.


Search Engine Marketing is marketing your website with SEO and paid advertising to bring more targeted traffic to your website.


Search Engine Results Page is a list of results given by the search engine after a query is made.