4 Creative Ways To Maximize Instagram Stories For Businesses

Instagram Stories are really in-demand right now because it produces real-time interaction with your audience. For businesses, it’s going to be a big trend this 2019. But how do you get creative with it?

Here are 6 ideas for your next IG Stories:

Create announcements, no matter how big or small.

Whether it’s a new product sale items, free shipping to the latest behind-the-scenes from your latest photo shoot — it’s worth keeping the audience immediately aware of what’s going on about you.

Do collaborations.

It’es really fun having someone new around to collaborate with! Regardless if it’s a local style vlogger or famous celebrity, just as long as it fits your audiences’ demographic and area of interest, it will surely get the publicity job done.

Create poll and and follow what viewers want.

Polls are a great way to know more about what interests your target audience. By giving them the power to choose, it makes consumers feel that they are being listened to. Thus, it establishes a personal level of trust between the brand consumer.

Host a contest, do giveaways!

Wouldn’t it be nice to receive a goodies and rewards from a brand you’ve been following constantly? Doing contests on IG Stories creates a sense of urgency for its viewers since it’s only visible for 24 hours.