Social media marketing is extremely essential to almost every business owner nowadays. While some choose to take multiple hats and do the social media marketing initiative themselves, some choose to focus on their businesses and let a social media marketing agency do the online work.
Here’s what you must know first before going on an agency hunt:
Know your social media marketing goals.
Whether it’s gaining brand awareness, standing out from your competitors, gaining web traffic or targeting conversions, you must have a well-defined marketing strategy for your brand even before an agency takes the lead.
Once you’ve clearly set out your digital marketing strategy, it’s time for you to research on marketing agencies that will be a perfect match for your goals. You can start by looking for at least 5-10 agencies.
If you’re a small business owner, you can start out by looking for local social media marketing agencies like Uubex that usually offers reasonable pricing for their digital services. Meanwhile, if you have a good amount of budget to spend, you can try looking for digital marketing agencies who can offer large scale digital marketing solutions.
Once you’ve found the right agency, evaluate by asking the right questions.
More often, brands and agencies often encounter some minor to major issues, even before going in for collaboration. Some of these challenges might include:
- Miscommunication of ideas, concepts and/or executions
- Project management
- Financial issues
- Unprofessional ethics
- Limited resources for innovation of one or both parties
The most common dilemma that brands and agencies often forget to resolve is the failure to thoroughly discuss from point to point all the strategies that are needed to be executed on a specific timeline, the management style of both parties and the target metric results. This will often lead to resentments, failure to achieve your goals or worse, seeing each other in the court (Yes, it can happen in rarely extreme situations.)
Before you even start collaborating with a desired digital marketing agency, make sure to ask the relevant questions in order to determine what can you expect for them if ever you’ll entrust them your business. Some of the common questions you can ask could be:
- Given this kind of budget, how will you be able to optimize my business’ social media presence and what can be the possible projected metric results in this given amount of time?
- What social media executions would seem fitting for this kind of marketing strategy and what platforms should be involved?
- How does your team communicate when it comes to reaching out to clients? Do you have a systematic process in terms of how are you going to create the social media content for this specific month?
Ask suggestions from your existing connections.
Have you seen a co-founder friend of yours who has good amount of online presence? Chances are, he/she might not be the one handling their business’ social accounts. Try to ask for referrals from your business connections and research more about them.
If you’re not satisfied, you can also go into community forums like Quora. You might be lucky, some people actually give good recommendations on credible local social media marketing agencies there. Not only will you gain new acquaintances online, but it might also help you save time.
At High Point in North Carolina,