Do you need marketing ideas for a painting business? Then read on that I will talk about some nice tips and tricks of how to inexpensively market your local painting business online.

Work on your logo first
First of all before doing any marketing online you need to work on your logo. Working on your branding or image is the first step getting started with online advertising or marketing.
Your logo has to look nice and professional. This logo will be used on your online marketing and printed business cards or flyers, and websites. Yes, printing business cards still works and you should always have them ready so that you can hand them out to potential clients.
Best places to advertise a painting business
The best places to advertise your painting business has to be online, you need to get started with a website. If you have the budget for paying someone or a marketing company for a website then, you should do that.
You need a website for your painting company
A website is an investment but the best investment you can do for your painting company. Your site is the base for your company. This is where you will send traffic for any type of marketing or advertising online.
This is where you will showcase your work and any reviews from happy customers, reviews go a long way online, since savvy customers will do research about your company online.
You need to market your website
Having a website does not mean it will get traffic or you will get sales. Since marketing a site is even more difficult even for people in the business of building sites. Marketing a painting company or a painter online can be accomplished by different ways and there are many ways so you will get traffic and sales.
Advertising a painting business
If you are able to rent an office for your painting business this would be a great strategy to advertise a painting business, if there is no budget for renting an office then a home office will just do fine for now.
How to get free painting leads
There are many ways to get free painting leads. One of my favorites is just getting your GMB page going or Google My Business page. You can use your office or home office address.
When you get your page going you should also unable messaging since you will be able to get quotes by message to your Google My Business App.
Advertise your page on local pages
Many cities offer free directories where you can post your business. Do research and see if there are websites like this near your city.
Get a FREE BBB listing
Getting a free Better Business Bureau listing, having a listing will help you with branding and will help your get some local free traffic.
Having an experienced digital marketing agency on your side will help your painting business get leads and more sales. If you need help with your marketing strategy, website or social media marketing then here at Uubex we’re happy to help you on this new online marketing journey for your business. If you already have a website but it’s not bringing sales then we can do a FREE audit for you.